This article is about a branded app feature.
Info points are extra points of interest or services, arranged into categories and subcategories, and presented in a list or as extra points on the map in a tour. They are entirely optional to visit and perfect to advertise local businesses.
Examples of info points
Here we can see the Eyjar app front page:
If we select Map from the menu, this is what we'll see:
We can see all the different types of custom pins that represent a category or subcategory. They've really done an excellent job at making the pins look good, using the same blue colour as in the banner, with clear and representative icons that help guide the user.
If we go back to the app front page and select Services around, then this is what we see:
We see clear categories and then the icons on the right representing the subcategories. Clicking on a subcategory item will filter the results, for example, if we select the coffee cup icon in Nourishment, we see only cafés and places that offer coffee.
In Accommodation we can select the subcategory icons based on if we're looking for a private room, a shared room or even a camping area.
Selecting one of the options brings up a screen with information about this accommodation, the subcategory, title and text.
You can choose between a variety of templates (called Style Sheets in this case) to further customise how you present your content. You can also make one of your own or have us make it for you.
Wondering where you can find icons to use in your map markers? The Noun Project is a very affordable platform and features over 5 million icons!
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